Heat pumps 101
Heat pumps are growing in popularity in the commercial space. Why? Installing a heat pump is an effective way to help business owners achieve even greater energy-efficiency – and save on their energy bills.
Heat pumps are growing in popularity in the commercial space. Why? Installing a heat pump is an effective way to help business owners achieve even greater energy-efficiency – and save on their energy bills.
A common complaint we hear from business owners is “I want to install solar and start saving on electricity, but I can’t because I’m only renting.” But contrary to popular belief, renting your business premises is not a barrier to installing solar.
A solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a long-term electricity supply agreement that enables you to install a solar system on your business premises – without any capital outlay or ongoing system maintenance.
Interested in solar for schools? Join a growing network of schools who have funded their solar projects with Smart Ease.
Keen to improve your discovery-call strike rate? Achieve better outcomes with this list of five must-ask questions for commercial solar discovery calls.
For Aussie emergency light manufacturer Clevertronics, a football field-sized rooftop solar array reduced their energy expenses by over 50%!
We helped Trofeo Estate become a solar-powered winery and save 70% on their electricity bills.
With a total of 686 panels, the Oaklands Farm solar installation provides one-third of the energy required for the processing, chilling, and bottling of their delicious milk
Green loans are specialty loans designed to fund projects or equipment with clear environmental goals. Find out how they can help your business.